The Flower Challenge, Turning Real Life into Silk

Something Teal, Pansy Bridal Sash

I just read a great article called "Make Something Every Day" on Etsy Blog ( Very inspirational. One of my favorite suggestions: "A daily project is like a marathon. It's a ridiculously daunting task, but making an original creation every day gives you an incredible sense of accomplishment. It also forces you to push beyond your mental and physical barriers (especially the ones you've erected for yourself). You'll be amazed at what you produce and what you learn about yourself in the process."

my garden

So I thought to myself.."what do I want my daily challenge to be? what fascinates me and inspires me to get chaotic in my studio??" and of course it always seems to go back to garden, the birds in my garden..all of it! I love my flowers, I am always taking pictures of them when they first bloom...the colors are just so amazing and beautiful....and somehow I cant help thinking about fabric when I look at them..the way the petals fold and! Here is my challenge....everyday, make a different flower.

one of my favorite bouganvilla....would be gorgeous if I could figure out how to replicate that!

an amazing morning glory ....

bright pink petunia

a whimsical fragrant nemesia here we go...spring time is hitting the studio!! Lets see what comes to fruition! so far I have had a poppy craze and a pansy time for some little lobelias, petunias, bouganvilla, maybe some iris....hmmmm the options are endless! stay tuned! and oh by the way..Im still dreaming of that wonderful picture I posted the other day and of the inspiration for some earrings dripping with colorful gems...just need to make that trip to the local bead shop!

Have a great one!

Something Blue Silk Pansy Bridal Sash
